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Steps For your social media strategy

Steps For your social media strategy

If you don’t know the steps for your social media strategy for 2024, don’t worry. By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive plan in place, along with a free strategy template to refer back to.

Building a profitable business and expanding your online presence may be achieved with the help of social media. But if you do not have a clear plan, your efforts could not succeed. For this reason, it is imperative that you set aside some time to carefully consider your social media strategy for the upcoming year.

We will go over the essential procedures for developing a successful social media plan for 2024 in this comprehensive guide. You will have everything you need to grow your social media presence, from defining your target audience to creating engaging content to setting clear goals and objectives.

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Objectives

Steps For your social media strategy

Establishing your aims and objectives is the first stage in Steps For your social media strategy. These are going to be the cornerstone of all you do on social media.

Your objectives are the broad, aspirational things you wish to accomplish. These are the guiding lights that serve as your “North Star” and inspire you to work hard. Maybe your dream is to create a network of like-minded people or to give up your current career to focus only on creating content. Clearly defining your overarching aim is crucial, regardless of what it may be.

In contrast, your objectives are the more precise, quantifiable targets you will strive for in order to accomplish your aims. These have to be closely related to your objectives. For instance, your target can be to boost interaction on your social media posts if your aim is to create a community. Alternatively, increasing the number of your audience could be your aim if working with brands is your main goal.

Make sure to include a measure in your goal-setting process so you can monitor your progress. This could be measured by the quantity of likes, comments, or shares you get, as well as the volume of traffic your website receives or sales you make through social media.

Additionally, set a timeframe for achieving your objectives, such as within the next 3 months. This will help you stay focused and accountable.

Step 2: Understand Your Audience

Steps For your social media strategy

It is time to move further into your understanding of your target audience now that you have established your goals and objectives. This is an important step since the content you post on social media should be specifically adapted to the interests and requirements of the individuals you are attempting to reach.

Begin by responding to inquiries concerning the demographics of your target audience, including their age, place of residence, stage of life, and any other pertinent attributes. Next, investigate their psychographics, including their likes, dislikes, pain areas, and interests.

Content that genuinely connects with your audience may be produced by having a thorough understanding of their requirements and preferences. You are essentially producing material for no one if you are not doing it with a specific target in mind.

Step 3: Establish Your Content Pillars

It is time to establish your content pillars while keeping your audience, goals, and objectives in mind. These are the main topics or types of material that you want to share on all of your social media platforms.

Aim for three to five content pillars that complement your entire strategy and the interests of your audience. For instance, your content pillars might cover ideation, hiring a team, money management, time management, mindset management, and ideation if your target audience consists of millennial entrepreneurs.

Additionally, consider adding a “bonus” pillar that’s focused on sharing more personal, behind-the-scenes content about you and your life. This can help build a deeper connection with your audience and make your brand feel more relatable and human in these steps for your social media strategy.

Step 4: Create Valuable Content

  • It is time to start producing material that will benefit your audience now that you have established your content pillars. Arguably, the most crucial phase in your social media plan is this one.

    The secret is to put more of an emphasis on offering your audience value than just advertising your own goods and services. You can provide value in four major ways:

    Educational value: Content that teaches your audience something new or helps them solve a problem.

  • Entertaining value: Content that amuses, inspires, or evokes an emotional response from your audience.
  • Relatable value: Content that helps your audience feel seen, understood, and connected to you.
  • Inspirational value: Content that motivates, encourages, or aspires your audience.

When creating content, aim to incorporate at least one of these value points. This will help ensure that your audience finds your content genuinely useful and engaging, rather than just promotional.

Step 5: Choose Your Social Media Platforms

Steps For your social media strategy

Now that you have your content strategy established, choose the social media channels that will be your main focus. The most popular choices are Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

List all of the channels you wish to be active on first. Next, reorder the list so that the most important platform is at the top in order of significance. If you ever run out of time or resources, this will help you prioritize your efforts.

Think about selecting your main platform based on how effectively it allows for content repurposing. You may then edit your long-form films into shorter pieces for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other platforms, for instance, if you decide to make YouTube your primary channel.

For additional advice on choosing a platform to concentrate on, listen to the podcast episode “Which Channels Should You Be on in 2024?”

Step 6: Determine Your Posting Frequency

Next, you’ll need to decide how often you’ll post content on your chosen social media channels. This will depend on a few factors, including the platform, your audience’s preferences, and your own capacity.

As a general guideline, here are some common posting frequencies:

  • YouTube: 1-3 long-form videos per week
  • TikTok: Daily short-form videos
  • Instagram: Daily posts (photos, carousels, Reels)

However, it’s important to find a posting schedule that works best for you and your audience. Consider factors like when your audience is most active and engaged, as well as what you can realistically commit to on a consistent basis.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to social media. It’s better to post high-quality content on a regular schedule than to post sporadically.

Step 7: Experiment and Evaluate

The final step in your social media strategy is to start implementing your plan and continuously evaluate your performance.

Begin by posting your valuable, audience-focused content on your chosen platforms. Pay close attention to your analytics to see which types of content are resonating best with your audience and helping you make progress towards your objectives.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Social media is constantly evolving, so you’ll need to be adaptable and willing to adjust your strategy as needed.

Set aside time each month to review your metrics and assess what’s working well and what needs improvement. This will allow you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your approach for even greater success.


Creating a comprehensive social media strategy for 2024 may seem daunting, but by following these seven steps, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong online presence and achieving your goals.

Remember to stay focused on your audience, provide genuine value, and be willing to adapt and evolve your strategy as needed. With a solid plan in place, you’ll be poised for social media success in the year ahead.

Don’t forget to grab your free social media strategy template to help you get started. Wishing you all the best on your social media journey!